

Цветы |
Beargrass, Xerophyllum tenax в Glacier NP, Montana |

Комментарии автора к фотографии
Это растение использовалось для плетения шляп, корзин и т.п., и играло важную роль в торговле между индейскими племенами Скалистых гор и Тихоокеанского побережья.
November 1, 1805 I cannot lern certainly as to the traffick those Inds. carry on below, if white people or the Indians who trade with the whites who are either settled or visit the mouth of this river. I believe mostly with the latter as their knowledge of the white people appears to be verry imperfect, and the articles which they appear to trade mostly i. e. Pounded fish, Beargrass, and roots; cannot be an object of comerce with furin merchants. however they git in return for those articles Blue and white beeds copper [Tea] Kettles, brass arm bands, some scarlet and blue robes and a flew articles of old clothes, they prefer beeds to any thing, and will part with the last mouthfull or articles of clothing they have for a fiew of those beeds, those beeds the[y] trafick with Indians Still higher up this river for roabs, Skins, cha-pel-el bread, beargrass &c. who in their turn trafick with those under the rockey mountains for Beargrass, quarmash [Pashico] roots & robes &c.
The Journals of Lewis & Clark
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